Trouble with HTTPD on Apache

Have you changed the port used to the port on your python application?

Like I stated earlier

ProxyPreserveHost On
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /

8000 being the port you want to forward from your Python application

So you have to swap 8000 with the port you’ve stated in your python application.

Further more if you are using a non registered (nore configured) domain and your trying to access it through a browser it obviously won’t work, you’d have to use a hosts file manipulation to view it properly.

If you are trying to access the website trough the servers public ip address, while it might work in some cases (depending on the configuration of the Apache web server) in most of them you should get the Apache AlmaLinux default page.

I think you went a bit over your head with this project, you might want to make a simpler setup work before port forwarding, you can definitely try to use the


directive to request a simple html page from a directory in the server to ensure connectivity with Apache and clients (i.e. you).