32 bit Java Support

Can AlmaLinux support 32 bit Java ?
Our Client needs it.


Few questions …

  • What OS was used (current/prior to alma)
  • What is your currnet JDK (version 7/8/11 etc, flavour openjdk/adopt/openj9 etc)
  • Any issues using current Alma jdk packages in 32 bit environment? Most packages should be compatable; Since Alma 1:1, RHEL provided JDK (8/11), no i686 packages available.

Few suggestions:
Azul offers JDK for 32bit latest versions

Another alternate would be build from sources Building the JDK

If you prefer to use rpm install of azul jdk, please check link Install Azul Zulu on RPM-based Linux (RHEL, SLES, Oracle Linux)

AlmaLinux 32bit rpms are avaiable in Index of /8.4/ now. Setup a repo, to install from it OR use direct rpm to install