How can I activate port 80 and 443 in payara installed in AlmaLinux 9, in Centos 7 it was possible and now that I have obtained two new VPS I have the problem that I cannot change port 8080 to 80 and port 8181 to 443, now HTTPS and HTTP are configured, the ports are created and open, what else needs to be done?
First, I have no idea what “payara” is.
Generic steps for any service process that listens on port are:
- Set SELinux to allow the process to listen on port (if the service is confined) Using SELinux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal
- Set firewall to allow incoming traffic to port Chapter 1. Using and configuring firewalld Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal
- Set the process to listen on the port. (In this case it would be in the config of that payara.)
If a process does listen on ports 8080 and 8181 and there is no easy way to change that, then plan B is to add port forwarding rules into the firewall, so that incoming traffic to 80 is redirected (a dNAT rule) to port 8080. Chapter 1. Using and configuring firewalld Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal