Alma 9 - missing sendmail-milter

Hello everyone,

I noticed that I can’t install any milters like milter-greylist and clamav-milter on Alma 9, because the sendmail-milter package is missing.

This is pretty serious for me, because I can’t build email servers based on Alma 9. Not an immediate issue, because Alma 8.6 is fine and comes with sendmail-milter.

Anyone know what happened and why it was removed in EL9? Is there an alternative?

Thank you.


 Problem: conflicting requests
  - nothing provides needed by milter-greylist-4.6.4-1.el9.x86_64

Replying to myself…

Apparently, Redhat continues to slim-down their offerings and remove support from things unrelated to them and their clients. In RHEL9, many packages got moved to a separate repository: CodeReady Linux Builder (CRB) repository. Packages in there are unsupported.

The CRB repository is disabled by default, as its unsupported, but can be enabled with the following command:

dnf config-manager --set-enabled crb

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I suggest you wait a bit, I think rspamd is a better choice, I use this hobbyist project and have deployed 2 mail servers, both are stable.

Company policy says, no Russian software. So rspamd is out of the question.


RHEL Codeready Linux Builder == CentOS/Rocky Linux/AlmaLinux PowerTools

This is due to trademark issue.

  1. Where is the CentOS 8 codeready-developer equivalent repo?(

Most of the AlmaLinux developers are from CloudLinux. Most of them are Russians.
PHP core developer with top contribution is a Russian guy.
And many other important packages have contributions from Russia.
What do you and your company smoke?

Couldn’t care less what they smoke, thats the policy, so I get on with my life.

Can’t use RAR archives as well.

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This is like a joke. They are missing the pypolicyd-spf package too.
Red Hat users/customer base doesn’t use email or what?

It is not a joke, it is reality. Redhat gives absolute priority to paid customers, so if none of them use a package then Redhat will give it a low priority or no priority at all. This is how Redhat works, non-paying users are expected to know what they are doing (eg fix it on their own).

This is not only about packages and their support, but extends everywhere. Bug reports by paid customers get high priority and they are fixed instantly, while bug reports from everyone else are completely ignored (unless the bug affects paying customers).

In my line of business (web/email/hosting/API/microservices) I’ve learned to fix things on my own and when I can’t, then I submit bug reports via another company that is a paying Redhat customer :slight_smile:

Then there is no reason to stay with RHEL environment.
What is the advantage of RHEL environment compared to openSuse, Debian, Ubuntu? Is it faster? Is it more secure?

Should I keep AlmaLinux or just move to Debian or other distros for server.

RHEL and derivatives are by far the most secure and most stable Linux distros, and they come with a long life of support.

In terms of security, SELinux is one of the most important aspects. Stability comes with backported code and fixes from newer versions without actually changing versions, what you get at first install, is what you’ll use for 8+ years. Which is why RHEL is being used by the financial sector, unlike debian and ubuntu.

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