Almalinux for VFX pipeline

Before CentOS 8 will be died , i used to centos 8 for my vfx pipeline
I have couple questions :
1 : For install CUDA Toolkit on Almalinux , which cuda toolkit should i download , rhel or centos ?
2 : Can i use almalinux instead centos for my vfx pipeline ?
Almalinux supporting all rpm based software like , autodesk maya , substance painter ?

Hi @mpd71! Welcome to the Community.

  1. You should be able to install either so long as they are CentOS 8/RHEL 8 compatible.
  2. Yes 100%
  3. We support all rpm based software in the same manner as CentOS and RHEL.

Please feel free to join us on the chat for more real time assistance.

Things to remember: Centos is the same source as RH (less RH artwork, branding and a few small items which are RH property).

AlmaLinux is derived from those same RH sources, with the same differences. Since the work was done by different people there may be a few small differences, but those should be so small as to be unimportant.

Given the choice of product packages for RH or Centos, I would probably go for the Centos versions.

Any rpm that installs in RH/Centos should install on Almalinux - one small caveat: If any of the code installed checks the OS version, or even program versions and expects to see “RedHat” or “Centos” in the version name, it may fail.

I am not familiar with the specific application chains you use, but I would expect them to work with no problems.

The CUDA drivers may do some OS Detection. I am not fully familiar with them in depth but if you run into any issues it should be simple enough to patch and we can help with that and help to submit that upstream.