Migrated from Rocky Linux 9.1 to Alma Linux 9.1. Re-installed cockpit for Alma Linux 9. When I log into cockpit, it indicates that updates are needed to install. When examining the updates indicate it is for Rocky Linux 9.1. So I do a refresh for updates and receive the following error message:
Failed to download gpg key for repo ‘appstream’: Curl error (37): Couldn’t read a file:// file for file:///etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-AlmaLinux-9 [Couldn’t open file /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-AlmaLinux-9]
which dashboard? i think i heard cockpit does that but its just the browser caching the logo…?
for webmin i expect its a webmin issue, that won’t have been supported as part of the migration as its a 3rd party repo. you could try this to see if there are any leftover banners in obvious places that its reading:
i can reproduce that, it seems to have the os info in /etc/webmin/config
the fix seems to be in the web interface, go to Webmin > Webmin Configuration > Operating System & Environment, then in the “Operating system according to Webmin” dropdown, select AlmaLinux and click save.
In other words, the webmin has during its initial installation stored some values to its config.
Makes sense with values that will not change* and are probably cheaper to cache than re-parse.
*Nobody expects the migration.
Does the real_os_type have other than cosmetic uses?
i think its purely cosmetic due to having spaces and capitalisation etc; but no real proof. if you’re unsure then use the web ui to change it rather than editing the config file (in case the web ui does something else too).
the web ui says its autodetected AlmaLinux but goes with what’s in the config file anyway, so i guess its so a user can override.