I’m building out AL9 and could not find denyhosts with dnf. Has this package been removed or depreciated with AL9? If so what has taken it’s place if anything?
Was that a separate package? On what distros/repos?
What did it do?
denyhosts info
When I installed it on COS7 I just used yum install denyhosts and it found it. Not sure if it was from the COS repo or getting it from elsewhere. Current AL9
dnf list --available | grep denyhosts
returns nothing.
Websearch for “denyhosts rpm” yields: https://rpmfind.net/linux/rpm2html/search.php?query=denyhosts , https://pkgs.org/download/denyhosts and Overview - rpms/denyhosts - src.fedoraproject.org
Dag’s (now discontinued) repo had package for el7. Perhaps that is what you did use.
Fedora’s description, written five years ago:
Denyhosts is unmaintained upstream and does not support systemd or firewalld. Please use Fail2Ban.
The fail2ban is in EPEL:
$ dnf -q --enablerepo=epel list fail2ban\*
Available Packages
fail2ban.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-all.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-firewalld.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-hostsdeny.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-mail.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-selinux.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-sendmail.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-server.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-systemd.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
fail2ban-tests.noarch 1.0.2-12.el9 epel
thanks jlehtone, I’ll look into fail2ban again. I had forgotten about that. Much Grass.