Denyhosts in AL9 - depreciated or not available?

I’m building out AL9 and could not find denyhosts with dnf. Has this package been removed or depreciated with AL9? If so what has taken it’s place if anything?

Was that a separate package? On what distros/repos?
What did it do?

denyhosts info
When I installed it on COS7 I just used yum install denyhosts and it found it. Not sure if it was from the COS repo or getting it from elsewhere. Current AL9
dnf list --available | grep denyhosts
returns nothing.

Websearch for “denyhosts rpm” yields: , and Overview - rpms/denyhosts -

Dag’s (now discontinued) repo had package for el7. Perhaps that is what you did use.

Fedora’s description, written five years ago:

Denyhosts is unmaintained upstream and does not support systemd or firewalld. Please use Fail2Ban.

The fail2ban is in EPEL:

$ dnf -q --enablerepo=epel list fail2ban\*
Available Packages
fail2ban.noarch                     1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-all.noarch                 1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-firewalld.noarch           1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-hostsdeny.noarch           1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-mail.noarch                1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-selinux.noarch             1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-sendmail.noarch            1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-server.noarch              1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-systemd.noarch             1.0.2-12.el9           epel
fail2ban-tests.noarch               1.0.2-12.el9           epel
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thanks jlehtone, I’ll look into fail2ban again. I had forgotten about that. Much Grass.