Hosting Control Panels

Do you know any Hosting Control Panels that are supporting Alma Linux? Thanks!

cPanel has announced support for AlmaLinux and is a board member as well.


While not a hosting panel, Cockpit is a system administration panel via web.

dnf install cockpit

There are lots of modules too:

dnf search cockpit

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The CentOS fora are pretty solidly against panels since they apparently replace significant parts of CentOS with their own tailored versions. I see that Jack is the Admin, so will Alma support them?

I use a control panel that does not replace anything, it just modifies .conf files, like you would do by hand. Not to everyones taste, but it works for my servers, its called Aetolos. It only supports Fedora/CentOS/AlmaLinux.

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Interesting. Personally I prefer to do things by hand, but in the past I’ve had to use something similar. I think Trevor’s (and others’) objections were particularly to cPanel, which is why I asked Jack if it would be supported.

Yes, we will definitely be supporting cPanel and cPanel will be supporting us as well. Jesse Asklund, who is the head of global support for cPanel has joined the board. He works with customers every day so he knows the ins and outs of what users are experiencing and he will lend his knowledge and expertise to the joint efforts.

We are planning on doing a live stream together at some point in the near future as well so that you can ask any questions you may have there as well.

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I’m using Plesk on AlmaLinux 9.2, and it works super!

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ISPConfig works fine with EL.

Also a good choice if you are looking for a CP that does classic/simple hosting of PHP/Perl/Python applications or mail hosting.

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I Using cpanel best :star_struck:

FastPanel, CloudPanel are awesome.