Installing fuse-exfat?

I just installed Alma 9.1, thank you :

cat /etc/redhat-release
AlmaLinux release 9.1 (Lime Lynx)

I’ve enabled the rpmfusion repos :

yum repolist
repo id repo name
appstream AlmaLinux 9 - AppStream
baseos AlmaLinux 9 - BaseOS
crb AlmaLinux 9 - CRB
epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
epel-next Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - Next - x86_64
extras AlmaLinux 9 - Extras
google-chrome google-chrome
opera Opera packages
rpm.opera.com_rpm created by dnf config-manager from Index of /rpm/
rpmfusion-free-updates RPM Fusion for EL 9 - Free - Updates
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates RPM Fusion for EL 9 - Nonfree - Updates

But I still can’t install fuse-exfat :
yum install fuse-exfat
No match for argument: fuse-exfat
Error: Unable to find a match: fuse-exfat

Anybody know where this package is? I have an exfat backup disk that I’d like to be able to use.

Thanks for considering this!

See the discussion here. In particular note the last posting by “fishface”:

As a side note, since Kernel 5.7 exFAT is baked into the kernel, might simplify things.

Now Alma9 uses kernel 5.14.0-162.6.1.el9_1.x86_64, so I’d hope that you can’t install it since you don’t need it. My Alma9 machine is a VM, so I can’t shove an SD card in it to test.

Thanks. It’s odd - I plugged the exfat disk in (it’s a USB) but it didn’t automount, which is what I’m used to. Unfortunately I’m not in the office now, but I will try manually mounting when I go in next.

its definitely a module in the 5.14 kernel, you probably just need to “modprobe exfat” and if that works, you can use this to load it on boot:

echo exfat > /etc/modules-load.d/exfat.conf

That seemed to work, although it doesn’t automount. I can mount it by hand. Is there a way to get it to mount on plugin? Apologies, I don’t do this stuff a lot.

i don’t think exfat supports automount, you could try installing exfatprogs but i think that’s more for just formatting etc.

did you try the modules-load.d thing and rebooting?

otherwise you may have to make an fstab entry with the nofail param so it won’t prevent booting if your backup disk isn’t plugged in, something a bit like: ubuntu server automount usb hard drive exfat · GitHub or maybe a udev rule or autofs

I did try the modules-load.d and reboot as suggested, but I had to manually mount. Hardly the end of the world, I’ll just mount by hand as needed.

I think my question has been well answered. Does this forum generally mark things like this as being solved in some way?

Thank you all so much!


there is some way to mark a post as a solution, not sure how though lol.

welcome to the community!