Issue booting after upgrading to alma lunux 9.4

after upgrading the 9.3 to 9.4 i got some spamming message on the screen:“handler or method for GPE OD,disabling event”.
I tried to boot again with 9.3 reupgrade, rebooting the system and at first seems worked, then i tried to turn off the pc and again i can’t boot to the system

if i select that one hilighted works the other two not

those are the error i got

I have a similar issue from upgrading 9.0 to 9.4. Now both 9.4 and 9.0 kernels/ramfs wont boot anymore. It gets stuck trying to mount boot disk, not able to find it.
Only the rescue image boots, it doesnt have its initramfs modified.
Dracut is stuck trying to find boot disk, it wont load sd_mod.
In the dracut shell I can load sd_mod
disk is just sata, the controller and disk show up, but sda device never does. Only after loading sd_mod it does, but it is already stuck and at dracut shell.
Anyone face a similar issue?

i’m able to run alma linux only if i go to the uefi and reboot… from rebooting works but from turned off i can’t

i still didn’t find a solution but i hope will be fixed in the next point release, until that im starting alma linux by rebooting it

I found my issue. I had added a blacklist.conf in /etc/modprobe.d which was from another machine (avoiding loading of unnecessary modules). It had blacklist libahci, ahci, libata, sd_mod so dracut didn’t include those modules. Explains why the old initramfs got rebuilt and didn’t work also. I commented out the blacklist.conf parts and it rebuilt without issues. See if you have something that i got added in blacklist.conf.

but you also could boot from rebooting and not from turning on the pc?

i found this errors with journalctl