Leapp upgrade : no matches found for the following disable plugin patterns : subscription-manager

I’m trying to elevate from CentOS 7.9 to Alma8. I’m following the guide but i’m stuck at leapp upgrade. I have the following error :

No matches found for the following disable plugin patterns: subscription-manager
Repository extras is listed more than once in the configuration
Warning: Package marked by Leapp to install not found in repositories metadata: python3-nss easymock ldns-utils ivy-local python3-javapackages
Warning: Package marked by Leapp to upgrade not found in repositories metadata: gpg-pubkey
Error: Error downloading packages:
  Curl error (7): Couldn't connect to server for https://mirrors.almalinux.org/mirrorlist/8/baseos [Failed to connect to mirrors.almalinux.org port 443: Connection timed out]

The proxy is configured globally, in dnf and yum.

Hi tholeb, leapp does not use the proxy set for you or for system. It runs a temporary virtual machine wherein it is injected configuration taken from /etc/leapp directory. Besides, proxy configuration must be given on the command line using
export LEAPP_PROXY_HOST=http://$proxyname:$proxyport
Hope this helps.

I must say that this is not working always, don’t know why. Sometimes leapp does not use the proxy, even if it is reported in logs.