Naming of network interfaces

i’m new in Almalinux and have a question.
I’d like to install a server (with 4 network cards) with alma linux.
After installation the network devices are named like “eno8303” instead of “eno1” …
Is it possible to give them the old names?

Thanks in advance


Why do you want “old names”?

i’m using kickstart to install our servers. After install a script is running which configures all network settings. Within the script i’m searching for the “old” network names like “eno1”.
The script reads the mac address of the current server on eno1 and set all predefined configs for this server. The informations comming from a config file.
So it’s important for my script to find network interfaces with old names. Currently the names are not fitting


RHEL 9 names: Chapter 1. Implementing consistent network interface naming Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 | Red Hat Customer Portal
One could ask why <on-board_index_number> in o<on-board_index_number> did change from ‘1’ to ‘8303’.

I too do use (PXEbooted) kickstart for installs too and do finalize config with “script”. Alas, my script is not run by kickstart, but by Ansible after the installation. (The Ansible playbook I can rerun whenever config has to be updated.) The initial network config is obviously by DHCP, which is the the default for the installer.

On my DHCP server there is no pool; addresses are given only to known MACs. In other words, I have MAC of every interface listed in site configuration “database”.

Whenever an interface needs other than config from DHCP, I use the Ansible system role “network”. That role does not need the name of the interface; I can target it to the MAC.

Sidenote: If one does use nmcli to create an Ethernet connection, then one must supply the name of interface. However, once the connection exists, it is possible to modify it with nmcli – remove the connection.interface-name and add 802-3-ethernet.mac-address. The resulting config is what the Anaconda installer and the network system role would set.

I had a (virtual) machine that had old ethN names on its two interfaces. On every boot the names (eth0, eth1) did swap.