No Errata updates?

I noticed that there are no new errata updates on Index of /8/. The last errata is for ALSA-2021:0966 from 2021-03-23.

All other distributions (with the exception of CentOS 8 :roll_eyes:) have erratas and even a security mailing list to get notifications on any new updates. This is something AlmaLinux should implement.

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@Philipp Thanks for letting us know about this. Nice catch. The actual Errata was in the repo but there was an error in the script that generates those page and so it wasn’t generated at build time. Problem was resolved and the page is now there along with the update which was in the repo the whole time.


@jack Are the errata named/labeled the same as those of CentOS? Same as RedHat? I have never looked for errata on CentOS, but I have researched errata details pretty extensively on

Thanks in advance for your answer.

There are no erratas for CentOS 8, only for CentOS 7.

All RHEL forks so far are using the same labeling. For example, the last Firefox update for AlmaLinux is ALSA-2021:1360, while the RedHat errata is RHSA-2021:1360-01.

@Philipp thanks.

What is the extra “-01” on the RHSA errata? I do not recognize that.

My best guess is that this is the revision number.

I just noticed that the erratas are again not updating. The last errata was ALSA-2021:2375 from 10th June.

Thanks @Philipp, looking into this now

@Philipp The update script for the errata had an issue again. The issue was resolved and the bug was identified and hopefully solved this time for good. Thanks for catching that.