Open-vm-tools < 12.1.5 = problem with vcenter and cloud-init

We are using cloud-init in perl mode as described in KB Solution 1 How does vSphere Guest OS Customization work with cloud-init to customize a Linux VM
The vSphere environment is in version 7 Update 3 ( and the problem appeared since we switched to this version.

The cloud-init problem is present on all our AlmaLinux 8 platforms (8.6), and therefore we would like to benefit from this version of the tools for the mentioned versions.

is it planned or is there a beta version of the open-vm-tools package in version 12.1.5 available, I can’t find any for Almalinux in this version?

looks like its heading for 8.8 and 9.2 betas:

is it possible to have a minimum beta version of this package for versions prior to 8.7?

I see that centos Stream8 offers this beta for these bone versions.

you could just rebuild the fc38 SRPM:

you need to enable the devel repo to get procps-devel

i also managed to rebuild the beta for 8.7 using mock but its a bit complicated.