hi, when selinux is Enforcing, postfix can’t run .
it can run in permissive and disabled of selinux .
remove postfix and install it all the same can’t start.
how to set it? thanks.
I ran into this recently. I’ve forgotten exactly what I did, but you have to troubleshoot it with sealert. I think this is the page I used.
Usually, if I remember correctly, it comes from copying a configuration over from another machine, but that may just be my bad memory.
Also this page might be helpful. https://support.posit.co/hc/en-us/articles/4579112985751-SELinux-a-quick-primer-and-troubleshooter
Although it basically simplifies the RH one I linked earlier.
It shows what packages can be used and commands to be run to figure out the issue.
I just want to add that it’s frustrating, but can be, moderately easily fixed, so don’t shut off SELinux.
Thank you for your guidance. I will take the time to study it further. At the same time, I also checked online that postfix_use_dendmail is a SELinux boolean value that controls whether Postfix can use the security context of sendmail. And I checked that I don’t have this postfix_use_dendmail, I used: getsebool -a | grep postfix
View only: postfix_local_write_mail_spool → on , At the same time, comparing the states of using selinux enforcing and Permissive, it is both in the ON state,
I see in the log:
postfix/sendmail[1665]: fatal: open /etc/postfix/main.cf: Permission denied
ls -l /etc/postfix/main.cf
-rw-r–r–. 1 root root 29369 Jan 21 16:28 /etc/postfix/main.cf
Still on the way to finding a solution.
Using Postfix-3.5.25-1. el9.x86_64 version of AMLALINUX9.5, thanks.