Problem with passwd

I have a problem like what is displayed in red on the image I can not create an account or edit with the panel Almalinux.
Thank you in advance for your help

I don’t use panels. What does useradd from CLI say?

shudder, what’s that cockpit or something?

you have to be root to change another user’s password.

If you are in group wheel, cockpit can use sudo. With administrative access disabled you don’t get the “Create new account” option anyways.

he says exactly the same thing in fact

I don’t need the root as my account has the rights to add and I had managed to add one person before and it worked fine

yes I’m good as an administrator but I don’t know why this problem has arisen

solved problems with

now you just need to hunt down the fool who set /etc/passwd to immutable in the first place!

I think it’s an update because it happened overnight