Raspberry Pi boot from SD-Card vs USB

Hi there,
I’ve installed my Raspberry PI 4 with installation tips from GitHub - AlmaLinux/raspberry-pi: AlmaLinux Raspberry Pi.

  1. boot from SD-Card
  2. boot from USB

With boot from SD-Card WiFi works fine with nmcli --ask dev wifi connect network-ssid, but not with boot from USB. Failure: Error: Connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required, but not provided.

All with same hardware but different boot method SDCard <> USB


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Update: I’ve made the same experience with CentOS, Rocky Linux and Fedora.

  • boot from SD-Card: Wifi is working
  • boot from USB: Wifi is not working
    All tests on Raspberry Pi 4 with 8 GB and same OS on SD-Card and USB.


@andreas_reschke THANK YOU! This is great that you found this. Can you please open an issue on https://bugs.almalinux.org and we can engage the relevant upstream to make sure we get this fixed?

Does it work after a reboot? It seems that the issue is reproducible the first time but works after the second…

Hello jack,

I’ve made a issue: 0000133: Raspberry Pi boot from SD-Card vs USB - MantisBT

And no: after a reboot it doesn’t work in USB.

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