Reg Alma 8.x EOL, Active and Security Support

Hi Experts,

Please share your kind inputs on the exact definition of “Active Support” and “Security Support” as pointed in the link at “AlmaLinux OS |

What is covered under Active Support and what is covered under Security Support for Alma Linux 8.x, and what are the risks/challenges for our product if we continue on Alma 8.x after 01-May-2024 (End of Active Support for Alma 8.x). Kindly advise, so that we shall plan accordingly for our next release.

We prefer to stay with Alma 8.x, if we can get all latest RPMs (with security fixes) available on Alma 8.x environment, as upgrading to Alma 9.x is going to be major challenge for us.

Kindly advise and please share all relevant information on the coverage of Active & Security Support for Alma 8.x, along with sharing any risks/challenges with continuing in Alma 8.x post active support date.

Thanks in advance & Thanks for all your support on multiple topics via this forum.

Best Regards,

Alma is built from sources of RHEL. What it can build does depend on what Red Hat makes public.

Red Hat has Full Support Phase and Maintenance Support Phase for RHEL.
See Red Hat Enterprise Linux Life Cycle - Red Hat Customer Portal

What RH calls “Full” is the “Active” in Alma.
What RH calls “Maintenance” is the “Security” in Alma.


Will the security updates be free or will they need some kind of subscription?
