Replacement of centos-release-scl on alma linux


Following the centos end of life problem (I won’t go into more detail, I think you have understood where I’m coming from), I’m in the process of switching my centos 6/7 installations to alma linux (8.6 ).
I’m really not a linux expert… but I’m improving every day :slight_smile:
I was using a historical repository on centos: centos-release-scl
I used to order “yum install -y centos-release-scl”

But here is the result I get on my new installations of alma linux:
[root@SRVDKFIRPS02 ~]# yum install -y centos-release-scl
Last metadata expiration check: 1:05:39 ago on Wednesday 03 August 2022 09:27:07 AM CEST.
No match for argument: centos-release-scl
Error: Unable to find a match: centos-release-scl

What was this repository replaced on alma linux?

For your information, here are the characteristics of the machine:
[root@SRVDKFIRPS02 ~]# cat /etc/centos-release
AlmaLinux release 8.6 (Sky Tiger)
[root@SRVDKFIRPS02 ~]# uname -m
[root@SRVDKFIRPS02 ~]# uname -r



That el7 package has description:

yum Configs and basic docs for Software Collections as delivered via the CentOS SCLo SIG

The Software Collections was a method introduced by Red Hat to add versions of applications (language, database, etc) that were not in RHEL 7 (and 6). For example, the GCC in EL7 is 4.8.5 a whole decade and recently you really want to use something more recent. Hence SCL did offer “Developer Toolsets” that can be co-installed. The latest has GCC 11.

With RHEL 8 Red Hat did something entirely different; DNF – the python3 based “yum” – has “modules” that allows “streams”, and RHEL 8 (and thus Alma 8) has “AppStream” repo full of streams. See Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle - Red Hat Customer Portal

In other words, the centos-release-scl was a “third-party” repo and Alma basically has equivalent content in base repos. Not everything, naturally. Depends on what “extra” you did need from SCL.


Thanks you for the reply :slight_smile: