I see this project takes a lot of input from the community about technologies that are dead upstream
Would any talk about these be possible?
Xen hypervisor
Could a fixed release be of interest? Fedora packages them, would packaging from there be an alternative?
RHEL9 has LibreOffice, Xorg, and OpenLDAP client. EPEL has openldap-servers
These are thus not “dead” in RHEL nor AlmaLinux.
Overall, EPEL does package “Fedora packages” for EL. Package in EPEL is usable in all EL distros. That is more effective than a package in only one of them (unless that one is RHEL).
Yes but arent they phasing those packages out in their next release?
Also xen should not be in epel last time i checked, but dom0 support is in kernel