RHEL 9 to Almalinux 9 issue

Using the Almalinux Migration tool on a RHEL 9 host and get the following error:

Error: Transaction test error:
file /usr/lib64/ossl-modules/fips.so from install of openssl-libs-1:3.0.7-27.el9.x86_64 conflicts with file from package openssl-fips-provider-3.0.7-2.el9.x86_64

Run dnf distro-sync -y. Exit code: 1 ERROR

Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks!

remove openssl-fips-provider and try again

Tried that and the system comes back with an error when trying to remove that package…”The operation would result in removing the following protected packages: systemd”. Tested forcing the removal of systemd and that rendered the system inoperable.

Ran rpm -e openssl-fips-provider -nodeps and was then able to migrate the system successfully to AlmaLinux 9

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ah cool, glad you got it figured out, that’s another one for the weird list!

it seems in rhel 9.4 red hat split out fips.so into a separate package to openssl (its actually the same module from 9.2) buts its something that almalinux doesn’t do, so we don’t have that package.

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As you did notice with removal of systemd, some files are essential for the system to function. Luckily for you, the openssl-fips-providerdid not contain such files ; you were able to remove it and install the openssl-libs without (apparent) incident.

Perhaps they have it more clearly as “optional”. That does also explain why its removal was not terminal – removal of the whole openssl-libs would probably be as bad as removal of systemd. (DNF downloads packages from HTTPS servers, which without openssl is a no-go.)