RPM Not Installing, Apps not in Repos!

I am a newbie to Alma Linux. Just installed a few days ago, I added some repos as well as follows:

[limo@localhost ~]$ dnf repolist
repo id                           repo name
appstream                         AlmaLinux 9 - AppStream
baseos                            AlmaLinux 9 - BaseOS
brave-browser                     Brave Browser
crb                               AlmaLinux 9 - CRB
epel                              Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
epel-cisco-openh264               Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64
extras                            AlmaLinux 9 - Extras
rpmfusion-free-updates            RPM Fusion for EL 9 - Free - Updates
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates         RPM Fusion for EL 9 - Nonfree - Updates
[limo@localhost ~]$ dnf repolist enabled
repo id                           repo name
appstream                         AlmaLinux 9 - AppStream
baseos                            AlmaLinux 9 - BaseOS
brave-browser                     Brave Browser
crb                               AlmaLinux 9 - CRB
epel                              Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
epel-cisco-openh264               Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64
extras                            AlmaLinux 9 - Extras
rpmfusion-free-updates            RPM Fusion for EL 9 - Free - Updates
rpmfusion-nonfree-updates         RPM Fusion for EL 9 - Nonfree - Updates
[limo@localhost ~]$ dnf repolist cherrytree
[limo@localhost ~]$ sudo dnf install cherrytree
[sudo] password for limo: 
sudo: a password is required
[limo@localhost ~]$ su
[root@localhost limo]# sudo dnf install cherrytree
Last metadata expiration check: 2:16:20 ago on Sat Oct 14 07:39:33 2023.
No match for argument: cherrytree
Error: Unable to find a match: cherrytree
[root@localhost limo]# 

My questions now:
1- I can’t find cherrytree in “Discover”
2- I downloaded several RPM files (I believed should be OK), but whatever RPM I try to install I get an error message saying something like compatibility problem. EDIT: The message is exactly Package conflict found What I might be missing?
3- I am a bit old school, I prefer the old way of installing from “Discover” or from RPM. Not really enthusiastic about AppImages or FlatPacks.

I wonder what am I missing?
What should I do to get it working as expected?

I will highly appreciate your support.
Thank you.

I found cherrytree as a flatpack in “Discover”, tried to install, it took hours and didn’t finish so I cancelled.
VLC is there as a flatpack only as well.

If FlatPack is better, I do not mind. Any guidance to get the best will be appreciated.

You want to install application X.
All names are not unique, not unambiguous.
Packages or executables not always have the name either.
It is also possible that nobody has packaged the application for el9 distro(s).

dnf search cherry        # search was not good with YUM (pre-el8)
dnf list \*cherry\*      # Name of package contains "cherry"
dnf provides */cherry\*  # Name of a file in package starts with "cherry"

If no enabled repo returns a hit, then I usually ask from Google: cherrytree rpm
Which tends to give two sites: RPM resource cherrytree and https://pkgs.org/download/cherrytree
Obviously, I could search in pkgs.org and/or rpmfind.net directly to get the same.

Both sites tell that while RPM package exists for el7, Suse, and recent Fedora, they do not know of repo that would have it for el8 or el9.

The most appropriate action (benefiting everyone) is to make a request to EPEL that they package the application (for latest RHEL’s). See EPEL Package Request :: Fedora Docs

Copr hosts “personal” repos from many users. Looks like some have built cherrytree: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/fulltext/?fulltext=cherrytree
How much you trust them is up to you.
Besides, the only one there that does mention “EPEL 9” might actually have Cherry Tree: cherrytree · PyPI
Anyway, you could create your own repo in Copr and build there the correct cherrytree for el9, probably from source rpm (cherrytree*.src.rpm) that one of the non-EPEL repos have.

Thanks @jlehtone for your prompt reply.
Excuse me for my illiteracy as I am completely new to Alma Linux and RHEL (I never used Red Hat but started and used Suse in 2000 for long time)
I tried a few RPMs from the website above but still getting Package conflict found

Am I missing something? Do I need to configure/install something not to have this error Package conflict found.?

Again, if you see flatpack is better (as a new technology that wasn’t there then) it is OK with me if you suggest so.

Just to be sure I understand correctly. I do not want to mess things up and break this wonderful Alma Linux system.
1- In copr I can make my own repo.
2- In copr I can upload the source code of the app and compile it there and have an RPM
3- I can add my own repo (or other repos from copr) so I can find the apps in “Discover” and install them “the old way”

Can you tell me your opinion of FlatPacks vs this “old school” way?
I am eager to learn.

This is exactly why I asked about Alma standing up a public Alma version of https://build.opensuse.org/
I hope this gets looked into…