So, did a recent update from AlmaLinux 8 → 9, using leapp etc. More or less went without incident, but…really strange that a slew of basic applications aren’t showing up when I try to find them in various repos.
In particular, Thunderbird, but default email client. Was there in the AlmaLinux 8 install, but…disappeared during the update. And what is truly weird is that it isn’t showing up - like, at all - in any of the repos I have.
sudo dnf upgrade --refresh
sudo dnf install thunderbird -y
Error: No matching Packages to list
sudo dnf list *thund*
Error: No matching Packages to list
Here are the repos I have on this particular machine:
almalinux-synergy AlmaLinux 9 - Synergy
appstream AlmaLinux 9 - AppStream
baseos AlmaLinux 9 - BaseOS
cheese cheese rpms for Enterprise Linux/Centos 9
crb AlmaLinux 9 - CRB
elrepo Community Enterprise Linux Repository - el9
epel Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 - x86_64
epel-cisco-openh264 Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 9 openh264 (From Cisco) - x86_64
extras AlmaLinux 9 - Extras
google-chrome google-chrome
virtualbox Oracle Linux / RHEL / CentOS-9 / x86_64 - VirtualBox
What the heck? Just for grins, I spun up a VM for AlmaLinux 9 on another machine, and no problem there. Thunderbird shows up just as it should.
So, any ideas why it isn’t showing up on the machine I upgraded from 8 → 9?