Upgrade to 8.10 - Maria 10.11.6

Team, we are planing to upgrade from Alma 8.7 to Alma 8.10.
We use RHEL distribution of MariaDB rpms in the Alma 8.7 (Index of /yum/10.11/rhel/8.7/x86_64/rpms/)

Question : we like to continue with RHEL distribution for Maria 10.11 as well in Alma 8.10. But not sure, will face any issues if we do so ?
is there any difference in Alma 8.10 Maria 10.11 RPMs compare to RHEL distribution of Maria 10.11 ?
what is your recommendation ?
What is the equivalent RPMs for MariaDB-shared-x.x.x and MariaDB-client-x.x.x in Alma 8.10 ?

I’d rather say that you use upstream packages that MariaDB has built (for RHEL 8).

RHEL (and AlmaLinux, for compatibility) does build their own versions of mariadb too. AlmaLinux 8 seems to currently have two versions for el8. One is based on upstream 10.3.39 and will be supported to 2029. The other is based on 10.5.22 and has shorter support. See Red Hat Enterprise Linux Application Streams Life Cycle - Red Hat Customer Portal

Since Red Hat supports the RHEL’s 10.3 version to 2029, they might backport fixes to it even after upstream has discontinued support.

You are already using MariaDB’s version of MariaDB and can continue to do so.

You should run dnf up regularly, with default repos enabled. That way you would already have AlmaLinux 8.10 content. Sticking to old versions is not supported.