V8.9, YUM and WHC hosting

I’m a long-time client of Web Hosting Canada (WHC.ca), and moved from CentOS to an AlmaLinux VPS in September 2023.

Note: I am an IT pro who has dabbled with Linux over the years, but am definitely not a Linux wizard (Duck Duck Go/Youtube/ChatGPT are my friends).

The VPS also has cPanel/WHM, and was provisioned by WHC with MariaDB 10.3.

Problem: WHM started prompting recently to upgrade MariaDB from 10.3, and the automated process fails with yum repository errors (ICINGA), and in reaching out to WHC for support, they want to upgrade the database on the back end, and I would like them to fix the repository issues so that yum works and the automated upgrade of MariaDB (from 10.3 to 10.6) actually works.


  1. Should AL 8.9 and yum work? My Google-fu has failed me in finding the answers.
  2. Why would the ICINGA respository fail to update (or work at all)?

My overall understanding of yum and respositories is not great, so hoping someone can point me in the right direction. It may well be that a manual upgrade is required given 10.3 was end-of-life last May (which bothers me b/c this VPS was delivered to me in September).

Thanks all!