Video thumbnails Dolphin

This might be a minor issue for most but because of my work it is necessary for me. I installed the latest (stable) version and then added KDE which is my DE preference but cannot work out how to get the packages necessary for dolphin to display video thumbnails?

20 days and nothing. At least if someone could say ‘no this isn’t possible’ or better still why in that case at least I’d know to look in another direction.

@PrimeSuspect, sorry. I did not reply earlier because I simply had no ideas, nothing, to contribute.

Now that I saw this come up again, I did think of something.
Run the rpm command to determine what symbols are required by the “dolphin” package to which you are referring. They may lead you in the direction of other dependencies that need to be fulfilled such as other RPMs.

You can execute rpm -qR dolphin and then look at the list of things that are output to the screen/display and then see what packages offer them.

I do not use KDE and I do not use Dolphin.
I hope that helps.

I really appreciate your taking the time to look at this but it’s turning out to be way too complicated and maybe why Alma doesn’t support KDE as a desktop option. Ultimately I’ve decided to go in another direction. Thanks again.

Hi @PrimeSuspect. Sorry we could not be of much help here. I tried as much as possible using the limits of my knowledge of the KDE ecosystem in my reply on fabcebook. The default in RHEL/CentOS is Gnome and therefore there are lots of user with more relevant experience around that here.

I would suggest to you to try emailing the kde list (kde Info Page) and asking there, as someone might be able to help or asking on their irc channel which you can find here: Kiwi IRC.

If you need any assistance asking on either of those please let me know and I would be glad to help you.