What Versions Of PHP Does AlmaLinux Support?

Been looking at your OS as I need to migrate my server over to another OS because Centos is EOL. My problem is I have a couple of clients who require php56 to run a couple of very important scripts for their websites. Does your OS support this php version using cPanels multi php editor like CentOs did? These two clients have been with me since the beginning so I would rather keep them if I can. The only other alternative I can find would be to use Cloud Linux. Please advise. Thanks.

cPanel replaces tons of packages and doesn’t use official ones (such as PHP), so you need to ask them. And this is the same for all RHEL clones.

For now:

  • AlmaLinux 8 provides PHP 7.4 (entire life cycle) and 8.0
  • AlmaLinux 9 provides PHP 8.0 (entire life cycle) and 8.1

Other versions are also available, but using 3rd party repository