WSL image disable Windows interop and Windows mount

I install AlmaLinux using WSL image using binary from Official Repository and wants to disable Windows interop and Windows mount using wsl.conf Configuration. However, after configuration and restart the distro, these error messages shows up

<3>WSL (41) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH
<3>WSL (41) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate c:\windows\system32
<3>WSL (41) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate c:\windows
<3>WSL (41) ERROR: UtilTranslatePathList:2866: Failed to translate c:\windows\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\

However, it seems like the configurations did apply and work as expected. How can I suppress those error message ?

I highly recommend opening an issue with the Microsoft WSL team on their issue tracker.

I am not sure if this is a general issue of WSL. I tried with other distro like Ubuntu and this does not happen